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How to disavowed toxic links in Google Search Console

How to disavowed toxic links in Google Search Console


In today’s digital landscape, search engines hold the key to online visibility. The quality of backlinks can significantly impact your website’s success. While high-quality backlinks can boost your site’s authority and ranking, toxic links can wreak havoc on your online presence. To help webmasters tackle this challenge, Google provides a powerful tool called Google Search Console. In this guide, we’ll explore toxic links, the role of Google Search Console, and how to effectively disavow toxic links to improve your website’s SEO. Also check the blog how to recover from broken links.

✅ What Are Toxic Links?

Toxic links, also known as spammy or low-quality backlinks, are links from external websites that can harm your website’s SEO and reputation. These links often originate from websites employing black-hat SEO techniques or have minimal domain authority. Toxic links manifest in various forms:

1. Link Farms: 

These networks consist of websites created solely to link to each other, offering no valuable content.

2. Paid Links: 

Links acquired through financial transactions, a practice strictly against Google’s guidelines.

3. Comment Spam: 

Irrelevant or low-quality comments on blogs or forums with links back to your site.

4. Directory Links: 

Links from low-quality directories that provide little user value.

5. Low-Quality Guest Posts: 

Links from guest posts on websites with subpar content or questionable reputations.

6. Malicious Links: 

Links from websites associated with malware, phishing, or other malicious activities.

✅Why Are Toxic Links Harmful?

Toxic links pose several threats to your website:

👉Google Penalties: 

Google’s algorithms penalize websites with toxic links, leading to a decline in rankings or even deindexing.

👉Authority Erosion: 

Toxic links can dilute your website’s authority, reducing its chances of ranking well for relevant keywords.

👉User Trust: 

Visitors encountering your website through spammy links are less likely to trust your content or engage with your site.

👉Reputation Damage: 

Toxic links can tarnish your website’s reputation, making it challenging to build trust with both users and reputable websites.

✅ Identifying Toxic Links:

Before you can disavow toxic links, you must identify them. This process is so much time-consuming but it make  a healthy backlink profile. Here’s how you can identify toxic links:

1. Google Search Console: 

The “Links” report in Google Search Console, under the “Performance” section, lists websites linking to yours. Look for patterns in linking websites, such as low-quality domains, foreign-language websites, or irrelevant niches.

2. Third-Party Tools: 

SEO tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush offer backlink analysis features that can help identify toxic links. These tools often assign a toxicity score to each link.

3. Manual Review: 

Occasionally, manual visits to websites linking to your site may be necessary to assess their quality and relevance.

✅ What Is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console (GSC), formerly Google Webmaster Tools, is a free web service provided by Google. It serves as a vital tool for webmasters and SEO professionals, enabling them to monitor and maintain their website’s presence in Google Search results.

GSC offers a wealth of features to help you understand how Google’s search engine perceives your website, including:

✔ Performance Data: 

GSC provides data on your website’s performance in Google Search, encompassing clicks, impressions, click-through rates, and average search result position.

✔ Index Coverage: 

It reveals which pages of your site are indexed by Google and highlights any issues preventing indexing.

✔ Sitemaps: 

GSC allows you to submit XML sitemaps to enhance Google’s understanding of your site’s structure and content.

✔ Mobile Usability: 

It checks for mobile usability issues, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly.

✔ Security Alerts: 

GSC alerts you to security issues detected by Google, such as malware or hacking attempts.

✔ Links Report: 

As mentioned earlier, GSC provides a list of websites that link to your site.

✅ Setting Up Google Search Console:

To utilize Google Search Console, you need a Google account and must verify ownership of your website. Here are the basic setup steps:

1. Sign in or Create a Google Account: If you don’t have one, create a Google account or use an existing one.

2. Add a Property: After logging in, click “Add a property,” and enter your website’s URL. Follow the verification process, which often entails adding a verification code to your website’s HTML or DNS settings.

3. Access Your Dashboard: Once verified, you can access your GSC dashboard, displaying data related to your website’s performance in Google Search.

✅How to Disavow Toxic Links in Google Search Console:

Now that we’ve covered toxic links and introduced Google Search Console, let’s delve into the process of disavowing toxic links using GSC. Disavowing links essentially instructs Google to disregard certain backlinks when evaluating your website’s authority and relevance.

📌 Step 1: Access Google Search Console:

a. First Sign in to Google Search Console account.

b. Select the property (website) for which you want to disavow toxic links.

📌 Step 2: Then Navigate the Disavow Links Tool

In the left-hand sidebar, click “Security & Manual Actions,” and then select “Disavow Links.”

📌 Step 3: Disavow Toxic Links

a. Click the “Disavow Links” button.

b. Click “Choose File” to upload a text file containing the list of toxic links you intend to disavow. This file must adhere to a specific format:

# Example of a disavow file

# Comments start with a hash (#) symbol

# One URL per line

# Domain-level disavow with a prefix “domain:”

# Disavow individual URLs

# Disavow an entire domain (code-box)

You can disavow individual URLs or entire domains by prefixing them with “domain:”.

c. Click “Submit” to upload the file. Google will process the disavow request.

📌 Step 4: Monitor the Disavow Process

a. After submitting the disavow file, Google will review your request. This process may take several weeks.

b. You can check the status of your disavow request in Google Search Console. If there are any issues with the file format or submission, Google will provide feedback.

📌Step 5: Regularly Review Your Backlinks

Disavowing toxic links is not a one-time task. Regularly audit your backlink profile using Google Search Console or other SEO tools to identify and disavow new toxic links that may emerge.

📌 Part 4: Best Practices for Disavowing Toxic Links

While the process of disavowing toxic links is straightforward, it’s crucial to follow best practices to effectively manage your backlink profile:

a. Exercise Caution: 

Disavow only when necessary. Avoid disavowing links from legitimate and authoritative websites.

b. Regularly Audit Backlinks: 

Conduct regular backlink audits to promptly identify toxic links.

c. Maintain Records: 

Keep a record of disavowed links for potential future review or undoing disavowals.

d. Monitor Google’s Feedback: 

Pay attention to any messages or notifications from Google Search Console regarding your disavowals.

e. Stay Informed: 

Keep updated with SEO best practices and Google’s guidelines to prevent acquiring toxic links in the first place.


Effective management of your website’s backlink profile is a critical facet of SEO. Disavowing toxic links via Google Search Console is a powerful method to uphold a healthy online presence. By comprehending toxic links, acknowledging the significance of Google Search Console, and mastering the disavowal process, you can safeguard your website from the detrimental impact of spammy or low-quality backlinks. Remember to remain vigilant, conduct regular audits, and adhere to best practices to ensure your website maintains a reputable standing with search engines.